Monday, February 6, 2023

Ram V Chary: Mixing Graphic Design and Photography

Graphic Design and Photography Go Together Says Ram V Chary

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Combining graphic design with photography is a skill that not all artists share. Design elements must complement photographic elements to make an image work. Ram V Chary shares how to combine the two with excellence in this blog post.

Embrace surrealism. Playing with photographic and graphic design elements enables an artist to create surrealist designs. By using a picture as a background of a design element, the former allows the latter to pop up and stand out. This method has many treatments, shares Ram V Chary. When done correctly, it becomes the perfect companion of a message. Apply typography to pictures. Play around with typography. Preferences for text on design differ from one generation to another. Depending on your target market, typography could either be larger than life or minimalist.

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Let graphic design save a bad photo. While it's a bad practice to use graphic design as a fallback for badly taken photos, it's an effective way to save a shot that's good enough. Superimpose a graphic design element onto a picture for compelling imagery. Level up product photography by mixing real photos with graphic design. This technique is used in product photography more often than you think. According to
Ram V Chary, well-known brands shoot their products only to add design elements in post-production. However, for this tip, it's worth noting that adding a design element doesn't cover up a bad shot. Product photography and design require excellent pictures.

There can be times when your think tank runs dry. Find inspiration. Read up on new graphic design and photography trends and practice applying them to your work. Many graphic design artists dabble in photography. Marketing and advertising firms need artists that excel in both fields to have solid and cohesive creative directions. The job requires skill, consistency, flexibility, and creativity.