Ram V Chary: Sports Photography Tips for Beginners
A sports photographer has to be close to the action, capturing incredible action shots and intense emotions. As amazing as this is, the intensity and fast pace can also make sports photography very challenging. Here are some tips that will help you get started.When shooting sports, you often have to capture high-speed movements, says
Ram V Chary. To ensure the action is frozen, you need a fast shutter speed. The faster the movements, the faster your shutter speed has to be. In general, a minimum shutter speed of 1/1000th should freeze the action for a sharp image. You need to select a fast shutter speed while balancing the lowest ISO possible and widest aperture. A wide aperture will create a short depth of field that makes a player stand out against a blurred background, and a low ISO will help produce the best image quality, notes Ram V. Chary.
Know the sport.
Before you shoot a sport or team, watch some games to get a feel for the flow of the game. This will help you anticipate where the action will happen so that you can be in the best position when an important play happens. Do any of the players have unique celebrations or special pregame traditions? If you're not sure, ask a few photographers who cover the team more frequently. Any information you can find to help you prepare will go a long way, notes Ram V Chary.
Know the sport.
Before you shoot a sport or team, watch some games to get a feel for the flow of the game. This will help you anticipate where the action will happen so that you can be in the best position when an important play happens. Do any of the players have unique celebrations or special pregame traditions? If you're not sure, ask a few photographers who cover the team more frequently. Any information you can find to help you prepare will go a long way, notes Ram V Chary.
Tell a story.
Action shots are awesome, but there's so much more to sports than just the incredible plays. Look for fans, scenic shots, athlete emotions, and any other details that tell the story and capture the atmosphere of the game. In sports photography, you have the unique opportunity to capture moments that average fans don't get to see.
Action shots are awesome, but there's so much more to sports than just the incredible plays. Look for fans, scenic shots, athlete emotions, and any other details that tell the story and capture the atmosphere of the game. In sports photography, you have the unique opportunity to capture moments that average fans don't get to see.