Learn Digital Photography and Processing with Ram V Chary
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According to Ram V Chary, it’s not at all surprising how many graphic designers are also into other forms of art, and how many artists in different fields are into graphic design.
Today, Ram V Chary explores digital photography, a subject in which more and more graphic designers have taken an interest. He will also specifically pay more attention to the post-processing and image correction processes.
Before anything else, Ram V Chary says that it is important to remember that every image that’s saved should first be in RAW format. This makes the image possible to edit.
Now, first thing's first. You should be aware if there are images that are included in the shots that shouldn’t be there.
A common occurrence in photography is seeing an object in the image that photographers would rather not want in the image. This isn't only annoying, it poses a major problem as well.
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The most basic way to take it out is through cropping, which entails outlining the image with a crop box and adjusting it to take out the unwanted object entirely.
Next up, Ram V Chary says that you should always check if the image isn’t straight.
This is another source of stress for a lot of photographers. Ram V Chary says that if you did not intend for an image to be tilted, it could pose a more serious problem. Thank the stars for programs like Photoshop and Lightroom.
There is a ruler tool in Photoshop that can be used to straighten out the image. For Lightroom users, they can use the level tool to rotate the image until it straightens out.
Do you have experience in post-processing? What do you find most challenging? What do you find most rewarding? Do you have any tips on post-processing? Share them with Ram V Chary in the comments below.
Thank you for reading.