Thursday, March 25, 2021

The immense appeal of New York among photographers

No other city in the world holds as much of anything as New York City, and this is what comprises its immense appeal to visitors. No other city is held in as high a regard as the Big Apple. It has something for everyone, and a whole lot more. Everything is just bigger and more urban, thicker and grittier. Ram Chary 

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For new photographer who plan on visiting NYC once the whole COVID-19 pandemic is over, it pays to be prepared. Any photographer planning to take on New York should not go unprepared, without a well-researched plan. While the Big Apple is extremely photogenic as a whole, certain places are worth more of people’s time than others, depending on one’s preference. Photographers should list their priorities whether it be architecture, humanity, history, or something else entirely. Ram Chary.

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It’s also important to note that to photograph the entirety of the city will take well over a year. Just ask the people who’ve done it.

This is why many veteran photographers recommend sticking first to a single place and getting a feel of New York. To say that the city is massive is an understatement. For people only spending a couple of days there, stick to a single area is more practical. Ram Chary.

What are you most excited to photograph in New York? Share your thoughts in comments section below. Ram Chary.