Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Does gear really matter in photography?

Some photographers always have the newest equipment and swear by them for producing the best quality photos, while others keep their work lowkey and humble, believing that the quality of the photos they produce does not depend on the caliber of their equipment. The question now is: Does gear really matter? Ram Chary.

Image source: 2checkingout.com
If one is looking for a clear and concise answer, they’re in for a whirlwind of opposing replies. Many professional and acclaimed photographers stand by the answer that gear does not matter. Their answer is mainly based on their experience with old photography equipment. They argue that if they were able to produce top-notch photos in the past using what the many regards now as basic photography equipment, then gear does not matter. Ram Chary.

The camera and lenses aren’t in charge of the composition. The only time that gear matters is when it’s used the right way for the right purpose. Sports and wildlife photographers need cameras with a high burst rate, quick focus action, and adequate ISO options for low light situations. Wedding photographers require gear that can adapt quickly to inconsistent lighting. Additional gear pieces such as monopods, tripods, remote shutters, and natural density filters matter when doing long exposure photography. Ram Chary.
When photography and photography gear go head-to-head, the former matters more. The latest gear equipment would be useless if the photographer doesn’t have the skills to produce great work. Photography gear only matters when they are used correctly and for the right purpose. Ram Chary.